The Rayzar Lair
  H O M E | N E W S | L I N K S | U N D E R W O R L D | D E F I N E | D A R K | M U S I C I A N S | G E R M A N  

The Rayzar Concludes His words:

"Greetings, my precious gothic sweethearts... as if I would ever call you that, you pathetic scums. I will be making a new page called the "musician morgue" Don't ask me when, but it is coming to progress. I will also be working on a page called the "Hate Board". 

Other then that, visit the fucken underworld more often, and buy the fucken album by Deicide, it is a must have album, if you don't have it, you are not a supporter of death metal.

Have a miserable day...."

-These are the words of the Rayzar.


Black Metal has been a rather new discovery for me after my endless obsession with Death Metal. Yet Power Metal has sunk to the underground, while Viking Metal is dead...

Satan worship is still rather a tempting belief. People who worship Satan are either goths, musicians, or anti-christians.

Musicians believe that worshipping Satan will give them the ability to play their instruments at ungodly speeds. Some fine examples of satanic musicians are Kerry King (lead guitarist of SLAYER). Glen Benton (bassist & vocalist of DEICIDE), and Gian Piras (ex-guitarist of Cradle Of Filth).

While Goths are very easily seduced into such worship for the sake of two things, the music they listen to, and their hate of Christianity (caused by music).

Anti-christians hate all gods, such as Allah, Buddha, Jehova, and Christ. So they see worshipping Satan as an excuse to provoke other religions and an excuse to attract attention.

On top of all that, Religion is for scum altogether. If you want a religion, why not make it music? I'm not saying that the bands will be your gods, I'm saying that we should all make imaginery gods if we need to. So that we may have a god for each genre of metal. Now wouldn't that be so much better.   

DEICIDE... The best black/death metal band in the world

The release of their new album, "Scars of the Crucifix" stuns all. It's not just the agrression but also the cd cover. For the first time, Christ is painted as a force of evil.

Listen to the small satanic samples at and burn in hell

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Since 31 February 2004